Tuesday , March 4th 2025
    Best new deals on Personal Entertainment Store Video Game Consoles

HORI Battle Pad for Wii U Pikachu Version with Turbo

Product Features:

    Officially licensed by Nintendo. Take control of the action with the HORI Battle Pad Turbo for Wii U featuring Pikachu themed colors and artwork. Perfect for fighting games such as Super Smash Bros, this control pad is similar to shape and function of the original Nintendo GameCube controller praised…
Price as on: 2019-11-22 20:45:23

Product Description

Officially licensed by Nintendo. Take control of the action with the HORI Battle Pad Turbo for Wii U featuring Pikachu themed colors and artwork. Perfect for fighting games such as Super Smash Bros, this control pad is similar to shape and function of the original Nintendo GameCube controller praised by Super Smash Bros fans around the world. Simply plug into your Wii U Remote and enjoy! Features short stroke L and R buttons, 3 Turbo settings, and a large D-pad. This controller can be used for Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro supported games such as Super Mario Kart 8, and most Nintendo Virtual Console Games. Simply plug into the Wii U Remote and enjoy! Not compatible with Pro Controller titles. No motion control function. Wii U Remote not included. NOTE: When using this product, please make sure to detach the “Wii Motion Plus adapter” from the Wii Remote. (Does not apply to current Wii Remote Plus which has the Wii Motion Plus built-in.)

Product Features

  • Officially licensed by Nintendo
  • Perfect for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
  • Features short stroke L and R buttons, 3 Turbo settings, and a large D-pad
  • Similar in shape and function as the original Nintendo GameCube controller
  • Compatible with Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro supported titles and most Nintendo Virtual Console titles